
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Anna Pasolini” ,找到相关结果约20389条。
Peer reviewers 2009-2011
Anna Pasolini
Altre Modernità , 2011,
Abstract: Peer reviewers 2009-2011
Le suppellettili della parrocchiale di Mandas e l’argentiere Luigi Montaldo
Pasolini, Alessandra
ArcheoArte : Rivista Elettronica di Archeologia e Arte , 2010,
Abstract: After a brief introduction about regulations in force over silversmiths and liturgical dispositions, this essay, supported by unpublished documents, analyse inedited liturgical works of the parish church of Mandas, datables between XVIth and XIXth centuries.
Multiradio Resource Management: Parallel Transmission for Higher Throughput?
Alessandro Bazzi,Gianni Pasolini,Oreste Andrisano
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , 2008, DOI: 10.1155/2008/763264
Abstract: Mobile communication systems beyond the third generation will see the interconnection of heterogeneous radio access networks (UMTS, WiMax, wireless local area networks, etc.) in order to always provide the best quality of service (QoS) to users with multimode terminals. This scenario poses a number of critical issues, which have to be faced in order to get the best from the integrated access network. In this paper, we will investigate the issue of parallel transmission over multiple radio access technologies (RATs), focusing the attention on the QoS perceived by final users. We will show that the achievement of a real benefit from parallel transmission over multiple RATs is conditioned to the fulfilment of some requirements related to the kind of RATs, the multiradio resource management (MRRM) strategy, and the transport-level protocol behaviour. All these aspects will be carefully considered in our investigation, which will be carried out partly adopting an analytical approach and partly by means of simulations. In this paper, in particular, we will propose a simple but effective MRRM algorithm, whose performance will be investigated in IEEE802.11a-UMTS and IEEE802.11a-IEEE802.16e heterogeneous networks (adopted as case studies).
Pseudolymphoma tattoo-induced
Giorgio Pasolini,Patrizia Ghidini,Mariachiara Arisi,Alessandra Pedretti
Dermatology Reports , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/dr.2011.e47
Abstract: Tattooing has become more and more popular in today’s society. The most common dermatological tattoo complications are represented by hypersensitivity reaction to tattoo pigments like irritant and allergical contact dermatitis, development of lichenoid areas and granulomatous responses, such as sarcoid granulomas or foreign body granulomas. Less frequently patients developing discoid lupus erythematous have been reported. Pseudolymphoma is an uncommon reactive lymphocytic proliferation mimicking the histological and clinical features of a malignant skin lymphoma. We herein report a pseuldoymphoma limited to the red area of a multicolour tattoo of the leg.
How Equalization Techniques Affect the TCP Performance of MC-CDMA Systems in Correlated Fading Channels
Masini BarbaraM,Leonardi Giacomo,Conti Andrea,Pasolini Gianni
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , 2008,
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of several equalization techniques for multicarrier code division multiple access systems on the performance at both lower and upper layers (i.e., physical and TCP layers). Classical techniques such as maximal ratio combining, equal gain combining, orthogonality restoring combining, minimum mean square error, as well as a partial equalization (PE) are investigated in time- and frequency-correlated fading channels with various numbers of interferers. Their impact on the performance at upper level is then studied. The results are obtained through an integrated simulation platform carefully reproducing all main aspects affecting the quality of service perceived by the final user, allowing an investigation of the real gain produced by signal processing techniques at TCP level.
How Equalization Techniques Affect the TCP Performance of MC-CDMA Systems in Correlated Fading Channels
Barbara M. Masini,Giacomo Leonardi,Andrea Conti,Gianni Pasolini
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , 2007, DOI: 10.1155/2008/286351
Abstract: ˉ This paper investigates the impact of several equalization techniques for multicarrier code division multiple access systems on the performance at both lower and upper layers (i.e., physical and TCP layers). Classical techniques such as maximal ratio combining, equal gain combining, orthogonality restoring combining, minimum mean square error, as well as a partial equalization (PE) are investigated in time- and frequency-correlated fading channels with various numbers of interferers. Their impact on the performance at upper level is then studied. The results are obtained through an integrated simulation platform carefully reproducing all main aspects affecting the quality of service perceived by the final user, allowing an investigation of the real gain produced by signal processing techniques at TCP level.
Exploiting Diversity for Coverage Extension of Bluetooth-Based Mobile Services
Masini Barbara M,Conti Andrea,Dardari Davide,Pasolini Gianni
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , 2006,
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of diversity reception techniques on the performance of Bluetooth (BT) packet transmission in wireless channels with fast fading and shadowing to improve the coverage extension. We firstly derive a tight parametric exponential approximation for the instantaneous bit error probability (BEP) in additive white Gaussian noise with parameters dependent on GFSK modulation format according to the BT standard. Then, from this expression, we derive the mean block error probability (BLEP) for DH packets transmission in Rayleigh fading channel by adopting different diversity reception techniques, such as selection diversity (SD) and maximal ratio combining (MRC). In particular, the joint impact of the diversity order, the combining techniques and the block length on the BLEP, is shown. For both MRC and SD schemes, we also obtain a tight and invertible bound on the BLEP, that enables us to analytically evaluate the quality of service expressed in terms of outage probability in channel affected by fading and shadowing and, as a consequence, the impact of multiple antennas on the system coverage.
Efficient Distributed Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions Computation over Wireless Sensor Networks
Vincenzo Zambianchi,Michel Kieffer,Gianni Pasolini,Francesca Bassi,Davide Dardari
Computer Science , 2014,
Abstract: This paper considers the distributed computation of confidence regions tethered to multidimensional parameter estimation under linear measurement models. In particular, the considered confidence regions are non-asymptotic, this meaning that the number of required measurements is finite. Distributed solutions for the computation of non-asymptotic confidence regions are proposed, suited to wireless sensor networks scenarios. Their performances are compared in terms of required traffic load, both analytically and numerically. The evidence emerging from the conducted investigations is that the best solution for information exchange depends on whether the network topology is structured or unstructured. The effect on the computation of confidence regions of information diffusion truncation is also examined. In particular, it is proven that consistent confidence regions can be computed even when an incomplete set of measurements is available.
Interactive Vision and Experimental Traditions: How to Frame the Relationship  [PDF]
Anna Estany
Open Journal of Philosophy (OJPP) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ojpp.2013.32046
Abstract: In recent decades, the cognitive view has had a considerable impact on the philosophy of science, and two reasons can for this be identified. First, philosophers have increasingly tended towards naturalistic approaches, as opposed to proposals that are more a priori. Second, the cognitive sciences underwent considerable development in the second half of the twentieth century. Motivated by the cognitive view in the philosophy of science, and within a naturalistic framework, the aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between two pairs of views. On the one hand, I consider the theoretical and experimental traditions; and on the other, I examine the views of pure and interactive vision. The two pairs belong to two independent debates; one in the philosophy of science (theoretical vs. experimental traditions) and the other in cognitive psychology (pure vs. interactive vision). Theoretical traditions correspond to a conception of science according to which the goal of scientific practice is to formulate theories that represent the world, and in them experiments play only an instrumental role that is always subsidiary to theory. The model of science promoted in the program of logical empiricism is a good example of such a tradition. Experimental traditions, in contrast, challenge that conception of science by attributing a more important role to experimentation, which is said to provide its own path to knowledge.
A pilot study, a specially designed pillow may prevent developmental plagiocephaly by reducing pressure from the infant head  [PDF]
Anna Ohman
Health (Health) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/health.2013.56A2006

Developmental plagiocephaly (DP) has been an increasing problem since the successful “back to sleep campaign”. The referrals for DP have increased by >400% during the years 2004 to 2008. Many infants spend less time in the prone position nowadays and some of the risk factors for DP are as follows: less than 3 times per day for the tummy time, torticollis and slow achievement of motor milestones. There is a need for better information to the parents but also for other strategies to prevent DP. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a special pillow and thus to reduce pressure on the infant head. Method: infants aged zero to two months were included in the study. They were randomized to either intervention group or control group. Head shape was investigated on two occasions, on the second occasion motor development, mobility and muscle function of the neck were also investigated. The parents were asked about tummy time and sleep position. All infants were investigated by the same physical therapist, blinded to group belonging. Result: seven infants had CVAI >3.5 on the last assessment, five of these had not used any method to reduce pressure. Fishers exact test showed a tendency where infants with reduced pressure on the head had less DP (P 0.08). Paired t test showed significant decrease in CVAI for the infants who had had reduced pressure on the head (P 0.01). Among these infants the CVAI was zero for 47% in the last assessment. For the infants who had not had a reduction of pressure on the head, there was no indication of a decrease of CVAI (P 0.45), and only 12% of these infants had a CVAI that was zero in the last assessment. Conclusion: this pilot study shows that a specially designed pillow may prevent DP in young infants. However, a larger sample is needed to confirm or disprove this. The study is planned to go on until there are 200 participants.


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